Using minerAccess to Schedule Your Tests in the Testing Center

Step 1 - Sign in

Sign in to minerAccess using your S&T username and password by visiting

minerAccess log-in page


Step 2 – Alternative Testing

Under “My Accommodations” on the left, select “Alternative Testing” 

minerAccess dashboard - alternative testing highlighted


Step 3 – Select Class

At the top, select the class using the drop-down list and click “Schedule an Exam”

  • For classes with multiple sections - choose the main lecture section (Example: MATH 1214 select your lecture: 1A, 1B or 1C)

Alternative testing page - select class


Step 4 – Complete Exam Details

In the Exam Detail section, use the drop-down list to select the request type

Type in the date of the exam and select the time

In the Services Requested section, select the accommodations you would like to use on this test

Indicate that you have read and agreed to the statements at the bottom

Click “Add Exam Request”


Exam detail information


 Success! You will receive an e-mail from minerAccess when your exam request has been confirmed.