Faculty should not deny an accommodation without discussing the accommodation and their concerns with Student Accessibility and Testing. Some accommodations, like extended time on exams, are reasonable under most circumstances. Others may require additional discussion between the instructor and SAT to determine whether the accommodation fundamentally alters a component of the course.
The goal of accommodation is to provide equitable access, remove barriers, and ensure nondiscrimination. The discussion of concerns related to an accommodation may include topics such as essential course learning objectives, course structure, barriers the accommodation addresses, and equally effective alternative accommodations. If an equally effective alternative is considered the student will be consulted to determine if the alternative is truly effective in addressing the barriers.
If an accommodation is not reasonable for a course, other accommodations or means to facilitate access must be given full consideration.
If the Director of SAT and the faculty member are unable to come to an agreement regarding the implementation of an accommodation, the disagreement will be forwarded to the Chancellor or Designee for resolution in accordance with CRR 600.070.